Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cowboys Touch

Warm and fluffy would describe Denise Hunter’s new release Cowboy’s Touch. In the book Abigail Jones leaves her workaholic lifestyle for a health mandated vacation. She ends up in Moose Creek, Montana to relax and check in on her elderly aunt. Through a series of events, and to cope with her lack of work, she ends up taking a position as a nanny for the local rancher Wade Ryan. From there the story takes its form. A form that was quite predictable. A romance dogged by trouble. The lack of originality in its form detracted from the book for me. I wanted to be surprised but ended up with the same old romance formula. Yet I will say it was a well written typical romance. The characters drew me in and pulled at my heart strings, the romance between Wade and Abigail still made me warm inside, and it held my interest until the very end. Cowboy’s Touch was warming in its details but just fluff in its plot line. I feel like I should add to all of this that I am actually a very big fan of Hunter and her book, The Convenient Groom, is one I have read multiple times. (I always say that if you want to read a book more than once then it must be good!) I think Hunter is a good writer and I have yet to put down one of her books in lack of interest. If I was to give you a recommendation for this Hunter book I would say read it. Cowboy’s Touch is worth a read I just would add a tasty peppermint white chocolate americano to the mix to make up for the surprise that is lacking.

Your Sippin Chick

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